Todd Stepanuik steps down as hospital CEO
Posted Jul 5, 2012 By Stacey Roy
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EMC News - When the last department moved back following the hospital redevelopment project this season, Todd Stepanuik knew his work at the Perth & Smiths Falls District Hospital was over.
Stacey Roy, Smiths Falls EMC
Todd Stepanuik is shown at the June 13 completion celebration of the Smiths Falls hospital redevelopment. He has resigned as of last Friday.
Last Friday, June 29 the hospital announced Stepanuik's resignation from the position as president and CEO effective immediately.
"On behalf of the Board of Trustees, we wish to thank Todd for his leadership and dedication during his 12 years of service to the people of Perth and Smiths Falls area. Todd's tenure at the hospital will leave a lasting legacy of which he should be proud. We thank him for his contributions to our organization and we wish him and his family the best for the future," board chair Larry Sparks said in a released statement.
Much of Stepanuik's dozen years at the hospital's helm have been dedicated to seeing the multi-million dollar redevelopment project come to life. "I think the community is better served now than before," Stepanuik said in connection to the new hospital facility and its many services. "It seemed to be that it was time for a break."
Stepanuik plans to enjoy the summer with his family - something that wasn't always possible when he was running the hospital and working on the capital campaign.
"It's hopefully a summer of new experiences," Stepanuik said.
This break will afford the Smiths Falls resident the opportunity to trade up his early morning office arrival for the chance to wake up his nine year-old son, Josef each morning.
"I've never, ever seen that," Stepanuik said.
Where his next position will lead him, he doesn't know. Stepanuik did say they have enrolled their son into school for the 2012-2013 school year.
He thanks his hospital staff for their years of passion, dedication and professionalism that has earned the local hospital its reputation.
"It has been a distinct pleasure and privilege to have been a part of the hospital family for the past 12 years," Stepanuik added. "Someone else can now take the Perth and Smiths Falls District Hospital to the next level."
Linda Bisonette, vice president, clinical services has accepted the position of acting president and CEO while the hospital engages in a formal search for a permanent replacement. Further details on this process weren't available by deadline this week.
"Whatever service I can be to the hospital and staff I'm certainly happy to do that," Bisonette said in an interview with the Record News.
This isn't the first time she has taken on the leadership reins at the hospital. In 2000 when the board was searching for Stepanuik, Bisonette stepped into the acting president and CEO role. This time around she will be attempting to fulfill both her current position and the president's seat until other arrangements can be made. When asked what her focus will be during her time, Bisonette said she will be working with the board to balance their budget and ensure the hospital can sustain that position in the be working with the board to balance their budget and ensure the hospital can sustain that position in the black into the future.
Currently, the hospital is sitting at a two-to-three per cent short fall in this year's overall budget. Bisonette wasn't able to provide further details until the finished reports are presented to the board at their annual general meeting later this month.
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